Search Results
ICO's FOI Training: What is the Freedom of Information Act?
ICO's FOI Training: What are the Freedom of Information Act exemptions?
ICO's FOI Training: Understanding the less common personal data provisions
ICO's FOI Training: What does a valid FOI request look like and what should I do?
ICO's FOI Training: What do I do if there's personal data in a request?
ICO's FOI Training: What's the ICO's role under FOI and EIR?
FOI Act and the Information Commissioner's Office
ICO's FOI Training: What are the EIR exceptions and how do I apply the public interest test?
ICO's FOI Training: How do we decide if a request exceeds the appropriate cost limit?
The Freedom of Information Act 2000
Tick tock FOI training video from the ICO
ICO Tick Tock Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations training video